ADOBE SPACE offers space for artists to develop and present their new works. We prioritize supporting artists who explore political, psychological, and personal narratives, and we are particularly interested in works that bring together the diverse cultures of the region.
About our founder: In 2010, Maria Abeyta, who is a family owner of the property and a strong advocate for adobe home preservation, fought against the Colorado Department of Transportation's plan to demolish Adobe Space to make way for the expansion of Highway 285.
Maria emerged victorious in the battle to save Adobe Space, and as a result, she is credited with preserving the site and creating the unique traffic patterns in the town.
Ms. Abeyta founded Adobe Space in 2011.
A brief history of the space. In the early spring of 1915, Maria's grandmother, Genoveva Garcia de Luna, left her father's home in Northern New Mexico due to circumstances beyond her control. Traveling alone by horse and carriage, she carried all that she could and traveled 80 miles north from her village of Los Brazos, New Mexico to the small railroad town of Alamosa, Colorado. Genova found work as a laundress for a local doctor and later became involved in the informal practice of caretaking at the doctor's small hospital. Using the money she earned, Genoveva purchased a property and built her adobe home, which is now known as Adobe Space.
Life pursued.